Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween 2011

   When all the witches go out at night and ghost and gouls and scarey stuff, we see our kids having fun ohhh its halloween. This night is full of tricks and treats, hopefully more treats than tricks. Our pumpkins light up the night... but wait what is that? Its a Bumble Bee, a black cat and two pirates wondering the streets!

         Halloween Was so much fun! Brooklyn went out and had a blast!!!! She was walking all over the place!  We had halloween with our family for the first time since Brooklyn was born! it was a little bittersweet though since last year we were with our military family, we miss our friends we made at camp lejune! Also aaron had to work this year so he was unable to walk with us :(  it was still fun! I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Courtney C.

Meet Courtney!

  I had the Pleasure of having a photoshoot with my Best friend!! It was an honor to take her pictures I have known her for a very very long time! And isn't she beautiful?
    This location was the Reynolda Gardens. This shoot was so much fun! I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the pictures I post! these are not posted on my facebook page! (you get the in sider pictures!)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

True Love

                Last Week I had the honor of going to my grandparents 65th Anniversary. Its so Hard to believe that People last that long these days. When people say I do it hardly means anything these days. Hearing Stories from my grandfather was so interesting, when he asked my grandmother to marry him, of course after asking her father; but back then you had to pay the preacher as much as you think your wife to be would be worth. As you know people back then didn't have much, if anything at all ( because of the great depression). When he went to pay the preacher he paid 2 dollars, which is a lot of money back then to us it could have been 100 dollars. It was all the money he had. Fast Forward to today and they are still together.True Love doesn't happen all the time. We marry people we end up divorcing over, because we end up falling out of love with or never really loved them in the first place. When your with the one your suppose to be with I guess you  learn to live with every flaw, fight, and never care to be with another. My grandfather and grandmother were like that had trials in their life but yet stayed true to their vows. But I guess to end this post I will leave you with a queston.... How much would your Spouse be worth if you had to pay?